Friday, December 09, 2022

The Left hates free speech, Twitter edition

Real Clear Politics: "Dem Attacks on Musk Prove Their Support for Free Speech Is Dead." - "When Elon Musk reached an agreement to acquire Twitter for $44 billion in October, the deal was met with a wave of outrage from the left. Democrats spanning the nation condemned the acquisition, claiming that it was “dangerous” for America. Now, we’re starting to figure out why."

The debate shifted from "it's a private company, they can do what they want!" to "we need to investigate Elon Musk and regulate Twitter" so fast, I got whiplash. 

In the title of this post I wrote that leftism requires censorship. It cannot stand on its own and must stifle criticism or having its failures pointed out.
Censorship is the Left's go-to move. 


  1. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Elon Musk
    Most important data was hidden (from you too) and some may have been deleted, but everything we find will be released

    John Aravosis
    Just to put a finer point on it: Elon Musk says he can’t prove his latest conspiracy theory because he can’t find any proof of it.

  2. John Aravosis, thanks for the laugh Dingleberry.


  4. Anonymous10:57 PM

    In the title of this post I wrote that leftism requires censorship. It cannot stand on its own and must stifle criticism or having its failures pointed out.
    Censorship is the Left's go-to move.

    A circle jerk is a sexual practice in which a group of men or boys form a circle and masturbate themselves or each other. In the metaphorical sense, the term is used to refer to self-congratulatory behavior or discussion among a group of people

  5. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Dingleberry loses again. The Washington Generals of the comment section keeps throwing air balls.

  6. Anonymous4:17 PM

    But not throwing tantrums.

  7. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Conservative Elon Musk, exposer of liberal hypocrisy and champion of free speech!

    Mr. Transparency Threatens Twitter Leakers

    “This will be said only once: If you clearly and deliberately violate the NDA that you signed when you joined, you accept liability to the full extent of the law & Twitter will immediately seek damages,” Musk reportedly told staff.

    Respect to the liberal employee who honored free speech by leaking that quote.

  8. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Free Speech Elon is spending today canceling Twitter accounts, and censoring tweets showing video of him being loudly booed off the stage at a Dave Chappelle show. Heh.

  9. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Kanye West’s last tweet before getting suspended was a comment mocking Elon Musk.

    Kathy Griffin’s last tweet before getting suspended was a comment mocking Elon Musk.

    When it comes to defending free speech, Elon reaches across the aisle!

  10. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Oh look, Free Speech Hero Elon just suspended the Twitter account that monitored Elon's private jet flights.

    A whole 6 weeks ago, Musk had explicitly promised to leave the account up and running.

    NY Post: Jet-tracking teen lashes out at Elon Musk for suspending Twitter account

  11. Anonymous8:35 PM

    And now today, Elon Musk has suspended numerous journalists who cover Elon Musk or his businesses with a critical eye: CNN's Donie O'Sullivan, Aaron Rupar, Mashable's Matt Binder, the New York Times' Ryan Mac, IGD News, the Washington Post's Drew Harwell, and the Mastodon server where so many previously prominent Twitterers have moved over to.

    The Left hates free speech, Twitter edition.

  12. Anonymous12:26 AM

    "Censorship is the Left's go-to move."

    We don't care how many times you rehash these idiotically wrong self-affirmations, we're NOT taking Elon.

  13. Anonymous5:24 PM

    On Thursday, Musk entered a live Twitter chat for reporters, including a couple whose accounts had been canceled by Musk.

    The reporters gave Musk room to speak. Musk said incorrect things about "doxxing" and "ban evasion." When a reporter pressed back, Musk abruptly exited the chat and then disabled the space, ending the chat for the others.

    The Left hates free speech, Twitter edition.

    You've seriously backed the wrong freedom horse. Because of bad feels.

  14. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Elon Musk has banned all links to Facebook, Instagram, Post, Mastodon, Truth Social, Tribel, and Nostr.

    To update an old saying, the Fuhrer of Free Speech is yelling "fire" in a crowded theater that he's burning down.

  15. Anonymous3:51 PM

    In a day or three, "The People will have spoken" again. With funny accents.

    Because Musk's policy of forbidding links to competitors is in direct violation of European Union rules.

    The penalty can be as high as 20% of Twitter's annual revenue. (Maybe THAT'S why Elon's tanking Twitter's advertising base and annual revenue. The man's a GENIUS!)

    EU rules:
