Monday, December 19, 2022

Oh, now it's a problem

Fox News: "Eric Adams warns of NYC service cuts to prioritize migrants as Title 42 expires: 'This can't continue'."
Adams asserted that "New York City has managed this crisis entirely on its own," and the city's requests from the state and federal government for funding and other assistance "have been mostly ignored." 
I forget: who are the state and federal authorities that can provide funding to New York?  You should name and shame them, Mayor Adams.

Reminder: Joe Biden has never visited the southern border.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Reminder: Joe Biden has never visited the southern border.

    Remember when Donald Trump fixed North Korea by walking 25 feet past the line? "Big moment. Big progress," said the leader of the free world.

    Some people are overly impressed by stupid photo ops.
