Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Mystery in Amherst remains unsolved

College Fix: "Here are 14 times campus hate crimes turned out to be hoaxes in 2022."

This gives me the opportunity to remind everybody about the terrible hate crime that occurred at the University of Massachusetts in September 2021, a crime that remains unsolved to this day.

Dear Campus Community,

The anti-Black racist incidents that have occurred on our campus this semester, described in an email from Vice Chancellor Nefertiti Walker last week, are contemptible and cowardly. We will not be intimidated by the hateful acts of craven individuals who hide in anonymity. We stand with our students who have been victimized, and we will continually strive for a more equitable community grounded in the principles of dignity and respect.

I want to share with you today that we have secured the services of Stroz Friedberg Digital Forensics, a leading national firm in cyber security, to assist us in our investigation of the source of the racist emails that were sent to members of Black student organizations.
Emphasis in original.  Unfortunately, after spending what I assume was thousands of taxpayer funds to track down the perpetrators of this hate crime that definitely happened, nobody has ever been caught.  And if memory serves, Umass hired a different forensic group to find the perpetrators but no dice.

This leads to three potential conclusions: 1) the hate mail senders effectively hid their identity by using VPNs and spoofing Eastern European servers or something, 2) the investigators never found any evidence that the emails were sent at all or 3) they found the emails were sent by somebody in the Umass community.

The fact that this once-national story has been allowed to quietly fade away without any follow-up from the Umass front office says a lot.


  1. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Criminal charges for a U.S. President have been officially referred to the U.S. Department of Justice by a U.S. House committee.

    The crimes and charges happen to be credible, but even if they were complete fairy tales, the referrals would be the top political topic in America.

    Which means... it's time to reheat "liberal campus" leftovers.

    Your Potemkin village has a few holes in it.

    Unfortunately, after spending what I assume was thousands of taxpayer funds to track down the perpetrators of this hate crime that definitely happened, nobody has ever been caught.

    Do you have the same irritated concern for loser Kari Lake wasting the Arizona court system's time and resources for her PTSD about massive election fraud that definitely happened? Should the taxpayers have to fund her audition for a Fox News prime time show?

  2. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Eric -

    As a Massachusetts resident, you could file a FOIA request to get a copy of the Stroz Friedberg Digital Forensics final report, you know. And publishing it would drive a LOT of traffic to your site - AoS & Stacy McCain would certainly write about it, you'd get an Instalanch for sure, maybe even a mention on TuCa.

    If funding it is the only thing preventing you from initiating this, I've got some resources. Respond to this comment and we'll figure out a way to communicate privately.


  3. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Eric -

    I'm assuming that they identified the perpetrator (your option #3) and it wasn't a white MAGA-hat-wearing male, which is why the incident was allowed to die quietly.

    But YOU could make a difference here, especially if you follow up with some hard-hitting questions.

