Saturday, December 17, 2022

Makin' stuff up...again

Red State: "Biden Makes up a Story About Awarding a Purple Heart, and It Gets Much Worse From There."
If we had a real press, he’d be lambasted for it, but we don’t so we get shrugs at what has become a continual stream of blatant lies. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a president (certainly not in my lifetime) who makes up so many personal stories, and you’d never know it without following conservative accounts on social media because none of the legacy outlets are going to tell you. They’re too busy quizzing Biden on what his favorite flavor of ice cream is.
This is entirely true: Biden has to work in a family story into every speech.  Half the time it's some made-up story and 100% of the time, it's a tiresome trope to feign relatability. 

Tell us again about how you had a discussion around the kitchen table every time the price of gas went up a nickel, Joey.


  1. Anonymous7:46 PM

    a continual stream of blatant lies. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a president (certainly not in my lifetime) who makes up so many personal stories

    Big men come up to me, they come up with tears in their eyes, and these are big strong men who've never cried before, and through their tears they say "Mr. President, sir, why does Joe Biden invent fake stories all the time?"

  2. Anonymous1:42 PM

    " in for a pence, in for a pound" Truth is not nor ever will be found there intentionally. The uncivil and immoral are incapable of representing anything but their own narrow interests against the good of those they refuse to represent.
