Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Kids in cages? What kids in cages?

Breitbart: "Joe Biden Can’t Find Time to Inspect Border After Vacationing 271 Days in 2 Years: ‘There Are More Important Things’."

It's true.  Joe Biden was very busy today doing...nothing:

Don't worry: he'll be heading off to Delaware tomorrow to rest up from a hard week of exactly one public event.


  1. Dingleberry will be here to tell us what a hard worker Brandon is in 3...2...1

  2. Anonymous1:56 AM

    For 80 years, from 1938 to 2018, every president, Democratic and Republican, saw at least one Senator from their party lose re-election in every single midterm cycle.

    Over those same 80 years, from 1938 to 2018, every president, Democratic and Republican, saw their party lose control of at least one state legislature in every single midterm cycle.

    Over those same 80 years, 1938-2018, no president, whether Democratic or Republican, was able to gain both Senate and Governor’s seats in the same midterm cycle.

    In 2022, unconstitutional, unpopular, senile, girl-sniffing, debt-canceling, inflation-spiking election fraudster Joe Biden didn’t lose a single Senator.

    In 2022, Joe Biden didn’t lose a single state legislature.

    In 2022, Joe Biden gained both Senate and Governor seats.

    Ain't been done by anyone since 1934. Three possible feats per cycle, for 41 consecutive midterm cycles. The result: 0-for-123.

    Followed this year by 3-for-3.

    Joe Biden is your new FDR.

  3. Somehow Dingleberry fails to mention the greatest accomplishment of the POS in the White House :

  4. So you're a FDR fan :

  5. Anonymous7:33 PM

    "the POS in the White House"

    An actual POS exits out of your colon.

    But Biden the POS keeps ramming up into your colon.

    (Example #1: The above election results. Red Wave forever!)

  6. Anonymous10:54 AM

    It's telling that you consider bureaucratic censorship of political opponents, using ballot harvesting to manufacture fraudulent votes, abusing the trust of elderly in rest home facilities to create votes, purposely hindering the proper functioning of voting equipment in opposition-majority districts, and so on as accomplishments worthy of praise. It's like praising Al Capone for successful and efficient business practices. But, that's you and your cohorts.

  7. Anonymous1:58 PM

    President Joe Biden even cares about cases like you. In October, he announced expanded funding for mental health clinics.
