Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Democracy dying in pinkslips

Shot: "WaPo busted for stealth-editing article after getting busted for lying about Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss."

Learn to code.  

I don't mean to celebrate the loss of anybody's job but the modern American journalist is an amalgam of liberal insularity, smug self-importance, and marginal talent.  Not one of them blinked twice when they advocated for policies that affected the livelihood of the hardhat set.


  1. Anonymous9:15 PM

    the modern American journalist is an amalgam of liberal insularity, smug self-importance, and marginal talent.

    Ace of Spades HQ
    Arts and Letters Daily
    Babylon Bee
    Battle Swarm
    Behind the Black
    Common Cents
    Daily Wire
    David Thompson
    Fox News
    Greg Mankiw
    Grumpy Economist
    Hot Air
    Intellectual Takeout
    Issues & Insights
    Maggie's Farm
    Neo Neocon
    Red State
    The Corner
    Truth About Cars
    Victory Girls

  2. Anonymous9:28 PM

    But at least someone's stepping up and doing something about the Washington Post, and liberal insularity journalism.

    Trump sues Pulitzer board for defamation in defending winning Russia collusion stories

  3. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Here's the New York Post, still pushing the "Dem donations" talking point TODAY, days after it was widely reported that Bankman-Fried had given equally to both parties.

    Who's "insular"? Who's "busted for lying"? Who does "journalism"?

    NY Post fromt page:

  4. Anonymous12:00 PM

    The people in America that only want to be safe and healthy are the problem for the rest of us that demand to be free from those that want us to be safe and healthy.

  5. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Today, Rand Paul literally said that getting COVID is the same as getting the COVID vaccine, but "even better."

    Please take Dr. Paul's medical advice.
