Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Unvarnished disappointment

Townhall: "Republican Voters Deserve Answers and Accountability"
There's no way to sugarcoat it — Republicans got bamboozled in the midterms. All the polls that we reported showing Republican candidates surging in the final weeks of their campaigns, the race ratings from the Cook Political Report, and the overconfident statements from GOP leaders were all significantly overly optimistic about what we all watched play out on Tuesday night. 
No kidding.  I took my cue from Real Clear Politics who predicted a minimum - minimum! - pickup of 14 Republicans in the House and an average of 31.  At this writing, the current pickup is +3.  Three!

RCP also said Republicans would pick up +3 in the Senate and, at this point, it looks like the GOP might pick up only Nevada.  To be fair to RCP, there were a lot of pollsters pulling in the same direction.  Looking at you, Nate Silver.

I don't get it.  We're in a technical recession, inflation is the highest in 40 years, the border is porous, and gas prices are rising again.  Was abortion and "democracy" really the tipping point when mothers can't find baby formula on the shelves?

Worst of all, that desiccated old corn husk of a President is going to shuffle off to the Rose Garden to claim victory.

Heads must roll at the RNC.


  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Worst of all, that desiccated old corn husk of a President is going to shuffle off to the Rose Garden to claim victory.

    Oh, claiming victory isn't nearly the worst of all.

    That desiccated old corn husk of a President just oversaw the greatest and most implausible first term midterm election result for any incumbent in American history.

    Anyone with eyes and a brain knew that the Republican triumph was going to seriously undershoot the political and economic advantages of this election cycle.

    But to undershoot it by this much? Wow.


  3. Anonymous11:27 PM

    "Republican Voters Deserve Answers and Accountability"


    Start here:$tProduct$
