Saturday, November 05, 2022

The White House walks back another Biden gaffe

Dementia Joe said he wanted to shut down the coal industry.  Bloomberg: "White House Defends Biden End-of-Coal Remark Manchin Derided."
The White House sought to reframe comments by President Joe Biden on closing coal plants as part of a US “energy transition,” responding to harsh criticism by West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin days before midterm elections with Democratic congressional majorities at stake.

Biden’s comments while campaigning in California “have been twisted to suggest a meaning that was not intended” and the president “regrets it if anyone hearing these remarks took offense,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement Saturday.
Ever the consummate politician, Biden made this comment right before heading to Pennsylvania.

Any comment, John Fetterman?
Democratic Senate nominee John Fetterman, who was campaigning with Biden in the final days leading up to the midterm elections, did not respond to a request for comment on whether he shares Biden’s goals for the coal industry. However, during his failed 2016 Senate campaign, Fetterman signed the “Leave It In the Ground” pledge, promising to support a moratorium on any federal leases for energy development, including coal.
Winter is coming.


  1. Anonymous1:44 AM

    In other meaningless news that has nothing whatsoever to do with coal power, nor the inflation economy:

    Fox Weather:
    Why historically low water levels of the Mississippi River may affect what you pay at the grocery store

    Photos Show the Mississippi River Drying Up

    The Mississippi River's water level is at a record low, which affects grain exports

    Climate change has caused record low water levels on the Mississippi River

    Another supply chain crisis: Barge traffic halted on Mississippi River


  3. Anonymous7:55 PM

    How it's going for New Coke, er, Twitter in three tweets:

    Elon Musk, Oct 28:
    Comedy is now legal on Twitter

    Ricky Davila, Nov 6:
    Actor Valerie Bertinelli changing her Twitter name to “Elon Musk” and retweeting Democratic candidates as well as telling people to vote blue to save our democracy is some badass brilliant trolling right there.

    Elon Musk, Nov 6:
    Going forward, any Twitter handles engaging in impersonation without clearly specifying "parody" will be permanently suspended.

  4. Anonymous7:57 PM

    (The Left hates free speech, a continuing series.)


  6. Anonymous12:12 AM


    Elon Musk right now is like if Elmer Fudd bought a website of Bugs Bunnies

  7. Anonymous12:36 AM

    the magnificence of the timeline this week is because this is a show about the most expensive mid life crisis ever, but narrated from the point of view of the sports car itself

  8. Anonymous12:54 AM
    Overnight, Elon Musk turned Twitter into an ad-free app. Respect.

  9. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Ben Collins:

    Every social media site owner who is “pro free speech” meets their line eventually.

    For 4chan, it was anime child porn. For Facebook and YouTube, it was white nationalist terror. For Elon, it was people making fun of him.

  10. Anonymous12:56 AM


    pls put me on fox news so i can cry about being shadowbanned and sell some merch

  11. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Ben Rhodes:

    At least we know that as Elon Musk lights a lot of his money on fire, he has the Saudis standing behind him with bottomless cash and a proven stance on free speech.

  12. Anonymous12:57 AM

    i bless the rains down in castamere:

    this is like when trump got covid. but this time elon musk is trump and we're all the covid particles. come on gang we gotta do better this time

  13. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Andrew Nadeau:

    Everything happening on Twitter now is a lot easier to understand if you‘ve ever had a younger sibling that invented a game and added a new rule every time they started losing.

  14. Anonymous2:27 PM

    mike ferguson:

    an insecure narcissist buying a criticism factory

  15. Anonymous4:02 PM

    David Frum:

    Probably too late, but

    1) Hire a proper CEO with relevant experience

    2) Stop insulting the users

    3) Stop threatening the advertisers

    4) Stop amplifying and empowering crazy people

    5) Delete the owner's account and communicate through PR professionals.

    6) Don't fire people before you understand what they do for the company

    7) Don't mock the competition, learn from them

    8) Remember Michael Jordan's sage advice to consumer-facing businesses: "Republicans and Democrats, they all buy running shoes."

    9) Take one more look at 5)

    10) Oh and one more: if you keep posting, "Give me $8 or else," you sound like a squeegee-man under a bridge, not the mastermind of a must-have technology product.
