Thursday, November 10, 2022

No to Joe's YOLO

The Corner: "Judge Finds That Biden’s Illegal Student-Loan Order Is Illegal."
This particular suit had to do with the Administrative Procedure Act. As the Post noted, “the suit alleges the administration violated federal procedures by denying borrowers the opportunity to provide public comment before unveiling the program.” But that’s just one small part of the order’s extraordinary illegality. From the start, it has been entirely obvious that if the question ever reached the merits of this case, it would be nixed by the courts. And so it has.
It was clear that this Administration was using one machination after another to avoid the question of standing, knowing that this unconstitutional declaration would never survive on legal merits.

Extra - An excerpt from the ruling:
"In this country, we are not ruled by an all-powerful executive with a pen and a phone. Instead, we are ruled by a Constitution that provides for three distinct and independent branches of government…The Court is not blind to the current political division in our country. But it is fundamental to the survival of our Republic that the separation of powers as outlined in our Constitution be preserved. And having interpreted the HEROES Act, the Court holds that it does not provide ‘clear congressional authorization’ for the Program proposed by the Secretary." 



  2. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Heh heh. Too late. Exit polls showed that 18-to-30-year olds voted Democratic by 64% to 36%.


  3. Anonymous10:04 PM

    2018: Federal judge rules Obamacare unconstitutional, handing Texas an early win

    2019: Judge Issues Nationwide Injunction Blocking Border Wall Funding

    2020: AG Pax­ton Sues Bat­tle­ground States for Uncon­sti­tu­tion­al Changes to 2020 Elec­tion Laws

    2021: Texas judge declares state's abortion law is unconstitutional

    Those Texas federal judges do like to have their fun before being slapped down almost immediately.


  5. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Tito's so excited by this temporary overturning, he's vomiting urls.

  6. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Hey, did you red wave surfers find your 218th House seat yet?

