Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Nice work if you can get it

Just a reminder to consider as you're paying 20% more for Thanksgiving, here's Joe Biden's public schedule since returning from the G20 summit:

Thursday: nothing
Friday: meeting with business and labor leaders
Saturday: wedding
Sunday: birthday party
Monday: pardoned the Thanksgiving turkey
Tuesday: travel to Nantucket
Wednesday (today): nothing



  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Oh, he's been busy enough.

    CNN: Biden extends student loan repayment freeze as forgiveness program is tied up in courts

  3. Anonymous1:24 PM

    At least your party's leader is still active and vibrant.

    Thursday: Announces his 2024 candidacy; most of his kids don't show up, Sean Hannity cuts away from the rambling speech, listeners try to exit the ballroom but are prevented from leaving by Trump security

    Friday: Rants against the Department of Justice naming a Special Prosecutor to head the series of investigations into his various crimes

    Saturday: Has the Twitter account that he lost for encouraging violent sedition restored

    Sunday: Says he will stay on his personal social media platform, but can't remember what it's called

    Monday: His defense begins in the criminal fraud trial of his namesake company

    Tuesday: His co-conspirator Lindsey Graham testifies in his Georgia criminal investigation for trying to overturn the election

    Wednesday (today): Rants against the Supreme Court after being forced to hand over his tax records to the Democrats

  4. Poor Dingleberry :

  5. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Poor Dingleberry tried to emotionally prepare you in advance for your side's midterm election choke job. It didn't work, because you refused to believe you were going to lose. But you did lose.

    Now, you just can't believe that all of your meme url posts (save the first three) are going unread. Some pupils can't be taught.

  6. Poor Dingleberry, still a putz.

  7. Eric and other intelligent people will enjoy this :

  8. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Nobody looks. Nobody cares.

    You do the one-note insult, we'll do the Senate.

    Just like I told you we would.

  9. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Thursday (today): Celebrates Thanksgiving by sharing QAnon posts on Truth Social.

  10. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Thursday (same day): Dines at his resort and nuclear secret library with two public anti-semites.
