Thursday, November 17, 2022


The Corner: "Pelosi failed."
Nancy Pelosi is not an especially impressive figure. She was elected to Congress in 1986, and she spent her first six years in Washington, D.C., as a rank-and-file member of Congress who did nothing of any great interest. That changed after Bill Clinton was elected in 1992, but the immediate overreach resulted in Pelosi and her colleagues annoying the public so profoundly that the Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years, and then stayed in the minority for the following twelve.
As noted here, her final act was to undermine the very institution she occasionally led.



  2. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Siri, can you show me that 2016 photograph of an androgynous Hillary supporter shrieking impotently into the face of political reality? But in the form of an "actually, though..." National Review think piece?

  3. Anonymous1:38 PM

    That National Review article is impossibly long. Why, it's nearly half the length of Dr. Seuss "Green Eggs and Ham"!

    Let's boil it down to its central thesis.

    "When Nancy Pelosi had a bigger majority, she got a lot done. But she deserves no credit, because she stinks.

    When Pelosi had barely any majority, she could not get as much done. That's on her, because she stinks.

    When CA Rep. Pelosi wasn't part of the House leadership at all, she and the Democrats were just so annoying!"

    Sad, but at least writer Charles Cooke understands his 2022 Republican readership. Starving dogs will drool for scraps.
