Saturday, November 19, 2022

Let them eat solar panels

Time: "Here's How Much More Expensive Your Thanksgiving Dinner Will Be This Year"
The average American’s Thanksgiving dinner is likely to increase by about 20%, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation’s annual survey—by far the biggest jump recorded in the 37-year history of the report.

The cost for a holiday feast rose to $64.05 for 10 people, up from $53.31 from last year’s average, and a nearly 37% increase in cost from two years ago. The massive jump is perhaps not surprising, given that food inflation is at a four-decade high—but it demonstrates the increasing pressure on Americans’ finances.
In case you missed it, here's Joe lying yesterday:
Inflation at the grocery store is coming down slightly.
As far as I can tell from reviewing his speeches, this is the only time he's ever addressed food inflation.  People need to eat, Joe.



  2. Anonymous3:47 PM

    You should get into your time machine, go back two weeks, and tell the American people.

    "Inflation is high, therefore switch to us" is a message that can't be soundly rejected twice!

    Serious pundits say, "These gas prices are utterly unacceptable... let them eat solar panels!"
