Saturday, November 26, 2022

Here come the pre-nups

I found this to be an interesting statistic from "‘Financial infidelity’ has money-conscious Gen Zers and Millennials saying ‘I don’t’."
The Knot’s Financial Study 2022 found that 43% of those surveyed were most likely to consider it a deal breaker if their partner was secretive about finances or dishonest about money being spent.

Research has also found that more couples are signing prenups regardless of their financial status — they’re not just for Gisele and Tom Brady. A new report from the Harris Poll found that 15% of U.S. adults surveyed signed a prenup, which is up from just 3% in 2010. It also found that 35% of unmarried people say they’re likely to sign a prenup in the future.
This aligns with other data. A new survey from buy-now, pay-later company Affirm found that millennials see the ability to manage money as the most attractive trait in a partner.
That's not a bad thing.

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