Friday, October 07, 2022

The Saudi rug pull

Hot Air: "WaPo, AP: On further review, it sure looks like the Saudis f'd with a Biden, no?" - "This week, however, the Saudi and OPEC+ decision to yank back on production when Biden clearly wanted his fist-bump buddy to increase it paints the meeting in an entirely new light. In fact, as the Washington Post concedes, it now looks like a deliberate humiliation, and even the White House agrees." 



  2. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Muhammad bin Salman is such a jerk. I bet he won't even give another $2 billion to Hunter Biden as a going-away present.

  3. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Ladies and gentlemen. This was not about Joe. This was not about oil production or prices for oil. This was a signal for the world. A signal that the end of the petrol dollar is here. OPEC , Russia and China have struck a new agreement that allows them to buy oil in non dollars. Soon the petrol dollar will be swimming back to America. Once they get here your dollars will be worth less than the paper they are printed on. Please plan accordingly. Any position in American dollars will be worthless. It is time to exit dollars for any asset. The only way through

  4. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Hey, it's Glenn Beck!

    I hope he's okay, the way he vanished at the end there.
