Saturday, October 22, 2022

Standing and fall

The Corner: "Eighth Circuit Slams the Brakes on Biden Student-Loan Debt Cancellation."

This article contends that the Biden administration is putting 100% of its effort into preventing a party from finding standing in a lawsuit because it's so blatantly unconstitutional it will surely fail in court. 


  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

    No one buys The Corner's stupid and whiny premise. Republicans could outwit the Biden administration very simply by... finding a complainant who's been harmed and who has actual standing. They haven't found that person, because they can't.

    Until they do, Republicans will lose and lose and lose some more. (They've already lost, and lost.) Debt cancellation is not going to be ruled unconstitutional. There's way too much precedent for executive action, including the kind of executive action you cheered on for four years. What does it tell you when Justice Amy Comey Barrett just blew off a simple stay request?


  3. Anonymous12:44 PM

    The tacked-on Washington Examiner opinion piece is nothing but a sad trombone noise.

    It literally explains how and why the "illegal," "unlawful," "glaringly" "unconstitutional" debt plan will survive its legal challenges. Just with a lot of snarling and sobbing.

