Thursday, October 20, 2022

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Red State: "Dazed and Confused Joe Biden Campaigns With Dazed and Confused John Fetterman." - "Joe Biden’s handlers let him out of the basement on Thursday, and things went about as well as you could expect. That is to say that things went terribly."

Fetterman did not address the event and, when questioned by a reporter, his wife ran interference.

Extra - Twitchy: "What a mess." 



  2. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Now do Chuck Grassley.

    It was a day when a federal judge dismissed a GOP challenge to Joe Biden's debt forgiveness plan, and when Supreme Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett rejected a request to block the plan for — wait for it — lack of standing. That's a good Joe Biden day.

  3. Anonymous11:16 AM

    The day before, when Biden released 15 million more barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, was another good day for Joe Biden.

    The day before that, when Republican Senator Mike Lee was begging for money on Fox News because the state of Utah is now shockingly in play, was another good day for Joe Biden.

    The most recent cycle that Utah didn't elect a Republican Senator was 1970.

    Three days ago, when Georgia shattered its record for first-day early voting, was another good day for Joe Biden.

    The last incumbent Georgia Democrat to win reelection as a Senator was Sam Nunn. It was in the same year that both Nelson Mandela and the proposal for the World Wide Web were released.

  4. Dingleberry never once says a good day for America.

  5. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Eric 6 Dingleberry 0

  6. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Meanwhile, Ron DeSantis' days are a little cloudy. The Miami Herald reports how the forthright “Perla” hid cash payments behind a dumpster, for the migrant who was deceived into recruiting other migrants for the Martha’s Vineyard and (canceled) Delaware stunts. But surely the investigation into DeSantis' illegal scheme will end with this Herald article.

    As charges are dismissed against the first of the 20 "voter fraud" cases DeSantis whipped up to push the fraud hoax. Beyond the trumped-up charges, it turns out Florida's state prosecutor doesn't even have proper jurisdiction to bring the case to trial. Gee, you'd think the state prosecutor would know that. Prepare for 19 more rulings.
