Monday, October 03, 2022

Making it up as they go along

NY Post: "Biden’s rollback of student-loan-forgiveness plan pulls up the curtain on his Potemkin White House." 

Extra - Federalist: "What You Need To Know About This Lawsuit Against Biden’s $1 Trillion Student Loan Giveaway" - "The fact that the administration announced this “forgiveness” via a Q&A on a website speaks to the slapdash nature of this entire process." 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Republicans literally passed their 2017 tax bill with scribbled policy and numerical changes hand-written onto the pages at the last minute.

    December 2017:
    Viking Pundit shared his outrage about "the slapdash nature of the entire process," with a political party just "making it up as they go along."

    I confess: I stayed up until 2am watching C-Span to see if the Republicans would finally pass the tax reform bill.

    But my glee should have been doubled. The Hill: "Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare mandate." Thus ends the thing I always hated the most about Obamacare: forcing Americans to buy something.
