Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Joe Biden is a pathological liar

Only a day after the NY Times wrote an article noting that Dementia Joe makes up a lot of stories that just aren't true, Biden said "hold my beer."

This was a comment he made today to firefighters:
Firefighters have saved my life and the life of my family.  I want to just tell you for a moment — I know a lot of you know from — if anyone is from Delaware there knows — you know, way back in 1972, before I got sworn in, my family — my wife was Christmas shopping with my three children and — and a tractor trailer — they got in an accident — broadsided, and killed my wife, killed my daughter.  And my two boys, who were then almost three and almost four, were on top of their dead sister and mother.  And it took the Jaws of Life from my local fire department volunteers to get them out and get them to the hospital.  And it saved their lives.
Emphasis added for the active voice used here.  For not the first time, Biden used this story to smear truck driver Curtis Dunn who was completely faultless for this accident:
Joe's calling card is decency, an affable man without a malicious bone in his body. Yet he allowed Dunn, who died in 1999, to go to his grave having been falsely shamed by Biden as a drunk driver responsible for the death of Biden's wife and newborn daughter. What "decent" man does that.
Back in 2019, Jack Fowler called Biden's sickening embellishment - for personal or political gain - "the most disturbing thing about Joe Biden."  Joe has learned exactly nothing over the years and proved it again today.


  1. https://twitter.com/TitoPuraw/status/1580015547852259328/photo/1

  2. Anonymous1:07 AM

    "I've just weawized that the Pwesident is nothing wess than a PAFFOWOGICAL WIAR, and I'm VEWWY VEWWY concerned and twoubled!

    It's simpwy DISGWACEFUWW to see an entire powitical party fwow away their standards and pwinciples to support a paffowogical wiar!

    This CANNOT be towwewated!"
