Wednesday, October 19, 2022

I like this Kari Lake

More than any other candidate, Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake knows how to handle the biased media: "Lake to reporters: Wanna talk about "election deniers"? I've got a few receipts."
"So it’s okay for Democrats to question elections but it’s not okay for Republicans? It’s crock of BS, everyone knows it, we have our freedom of speech and we’re not going relinquish it to a bunch of fake news propagandists. If you want a copy of these I’m sure Anthony will help you get a copy and help you learn how to journalist but look it up. It has been happening for a long time."
No kidding: the mainstream media are absolute White Knights for Democrats like Joe Biden and John Fetterman but every Republican needs to answer for their sins.

Kari Lake is done pretending the media is objective and even-balanced.  Judging from this most recent Gallup poll, so is most of America:
Americans' distrust in the media is at a record high, as for the first time ever, the percentage of Americans with no trust at all in the media is higher than the percentage of those with a great deal or fair amount combined, according to a recent Gallup poll.
Keep an eye out for a load of Seymour Skinner memes after the midterms.

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