Wednesday, October 26, 2022

How does Fetterman happen? The media

Here's Jim Geraghty on how the mainstream media facilitates candidates like John Fetterman:
Allow me to offer a controversial theory: A lot of Democratic Party candidates and strategists have bad judgment because they’ve grown used to a usually friendly media bailing them out of the consequences of their bad decisions.
I don’t know that Democratic candidates or campaign strategists consciously think, “Oh, we’ll be fine, the media is on our side and will cover for us.” I think they just get used to having the consequences of every mistake and dumb decision mitigated by generous media coverage. They walk around with the wind constantly at their backs, convinced that they are wiser and better at their jobs than they really are. And when that wind at their backs stops blowing, they’re stunned — suddenly everything is much harder.
So very true, and confirmed by post-debate coverage.  I was watching the evening news tonight and Andrea Mitchell (*spit*) said that this debate was not Fetterman's "forum."  WTF does that mean?  What kind of fora is acceptable for a United States Senator?

Roll out the excuses and disopprobrium, Democrats and media (I repeat myself).  There's no way normal Americans are going to look at that debate and vote for Fetterman.  It's done.


  1. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Sean Hannity just hosted an hourlong (pre-recorded) Fox News "town hall" for Herschel Walker in which candidate Walker spoke for 8 minutes.

    But oh, those "Democrats and media."


