Friday, September 23, 2022

Violence comes to Sweden

Common Sense: "Two Bombings in One Night? That’s Normal Now in Sweden." - "My country just voted in a right-wing government. The almost 500 bombings since 2018 may have something to do with it.

This article is wild.  I had no idea that shootings and bombings had gotten so out of control in Sweden:

Sweden, which has a population of around 10 million, has the highest per-capita number of deadly shootings of 22 European countries. Forty-seven people have been shot dead so far this year, which, while far from American levels of gun homicide, is extreme for Europe. Other European countries have come to look at Sweden with horror. 

I forget who said it but there's a quote about: when you paint people against illegal immigration as fascists then - guess what - people will vote for the fascists.  That's just what happened in Sweden.

Update - Found it: David Frum of the Atlantic?!?  Wow.  "If liberals insist that enforcing borders is a job only fascists will do, then voters will hire fascists to do the job liberals won't." 


  1. PM

    That David Frum quote is not taken from his article from this past Tuesday, "Ron DeSantis Can't Troll His Way Into the White House."

    "The leading critics of the Biden administration have launched harsh and deceptive stunts. They have duped asylum seekers onto buses and planes, promising to take them to jobs—but instead dumping them on the sidewalk across the road from the vice president’s residence or stranding them on the vacation island of Martha’s Vineyard.

    Much has been said about the cruelty of these stunts. The Martha’s Vineyard operation was especially nasty, because it was designed to make it difficult, if not impossible, for the asylum seekers to meet their first court dates.

    But something else is going on too, something even stranger and darker.

    DeSantis evidently got the idea for his Martha’s Vineyard airlift from a July 26 Tucker Carlson monologue.

    This way of thinking is conspiratorial, paranoid, and vengeful.

    It’s also wrong and stupid.

    Nobody who thinks this way about immigration is going to be able to do anything about immigration. If you don’t understand how things work, you cannot fix things when they go wrong.

    The Carlson-DeSantis theory of immigration, however, does not describe anything that exists in this world. It’s a fantasy, born out of the reactionary imagination.

    Maybe DeSantis knows that. Maybe not. At this point, what does it matter? He is campaigning as the man who will channel his party’s most brutish impulses.

    Reality is real; it can be ignored on cable news but not from the White House. A great country cannot be governed by juvenile memes from hate-filled message boards."

