Monday, September 12, 2022

The Washington Post on Fetterman

Red State: "The Washington Post Just Scorches John Fetterman in Surprise Editorial Attack."  I know I was surprised.  Here's part of the editorial:
The campaign’s response to questions about Mr. Fetterman’s health is to point to a doctor’s note, released more than 14 weeks ago, which said “he should be able to campaign and serve in the U.S. Senate without a problem” if he takes his medications and exercises.

That’s not good enough. Mr. Fetterman is asking voters for a six-year contract without giving them enough information to make sound judgments about whether he’s up for such a demanding job. We have called for full disclosure of health records from candidates for federal office in both parties, including Donald Trump and Joe Biden, and we believe Mr. Fetterman should release his medical records for independent review.
There is zero - ZERO - percent chance that Fetterman will ever debate.  Dude just can't.  For a while, I assumed the biased mainstream media would participate in a cover-up but this editorial gives me hope.

Extra - Ace: "Fetterman is getting worse." 


  1. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Senator Chuck Grassley, who turns 89 years old next week, is also asking voters for an eighth six-year contract.

    And he will receive it. As will John Fetterman.

  2. Anonymous1:09 AM


    Big if true.
