Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Running on empty

PJ Media: "Biden's Depletion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Could Be Catastrophic Soon."

Because we would need that backup supply if, say, a hurricane hits the Gulf states.


  1. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Literally from PJ Media, July 23, 2022:

    Watch Gas Prices Skyrocket as the Biden Administration Ceases Tapping the SPR This Fall

    "Heads, Biden sucks! Tails, Brandon sucks!"

    Those Democrats. They'll say anything at all, and they're so "unserious."

  2. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Eric 3 Dingleberry 0

  3. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Great jokes are worth repeating:

    "Biden's Depletion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Could Be Catastrophic Soon"

    "Watch Gas Prices Skyrocket as the Biden Administration Ceases Tapping the SPR This Fall"

    That pair of PJ Media headlines are separated by just 2 months!!

    It may not be possible to expose a website's partisan bullshit any harder than presenting those headlines side by side.

    Viking Pundit is quick to detect and attack perceived bias and double standards in the media. But not this time.

    His dull-witted devotee Dingleberry Dunce thinks that "Twice, President Biden recklessly failed to either tap and/or safeguard the Strategic Petroleum Preserve" is sharp, savvy, solid critical analysis. Dingleberry Dunce thinks a lot of dumb things.
