Saturday, September 03, 2022

Nice work if you can get it

In Joe's defense, just look at this jam-packed work schedule from Wednesday:

 Wow, slow down buddy!


  1. Anonymous10:54 AM

    "Joe Biden is the worst president ever... and such small portions!"

    I would've thought that battered Republicans would be grateful to see Biden giving them a time out, after these last few punishing weeks.

    Enjoy it while you can. Biden will be out there again on Monday, "walking back his speech" in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

  2. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Well, he IS very good at "walking back his speech", having done it so many times...

    Does he not remember what he said? Or do the overnight polls tell his handlers that "what he said last night" isn't going over so well among the voters?"

  3. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Well, I certainly called Biden's comments in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

    Must have been the overnight polls after the overnight polls.

    Biden crotch-kicked "MAGA Republicans" more times than he said "Come on, man."

  4. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Nothing like fulfilling his promise to unify America, right? But he didn't fulfill any other campaign promises either, so at least he's consistent.

  5. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Smacking the snot out of MAGA semi-fascists IS a unifying political theme. Check the polls. Enjoy the midterms.

    And did someone forget so soon about student loan forgiveness? Or putting a black woman onto the Supreme Court? And rejoining the Paris Accords. And achieving 100 million COVID vaccinations. And reuniting the children stolen at the border with their families. And the largest green climate funding bill ever. And reversing the transgender military ban. And rejoining the World Health Organization. And raising the corporate tax rate. And passing the massive infrastructure bill.

    Just some of the promises made, promises kept. Don't those make you happy?
