Monday, September 05, 2022


How it started: "Biden gives Saudis the gesture they wanted. But he returns to Washington with little in hand."


  1. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Biden isn't strong enough to make OPEC do his bidding, the way that Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump all successfully did.

  2. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Trump didn't have to come begging to OPEC. But Biden does, just to spite Trump.

    So Biden won, and the rest of America loses. Hope you're happy!

  3. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Awww, someone's feewing cwanky.

    You didn't expect that gas prices would drop every day for more than two months. And you hate that they're projected to keep dropping until after Election Day.

    $2 billion in Saudi dollars for the hemophiliac Prince Jared Kushner makes him the world's most successful beggar.

    Wonder how big a taste of that $2B payoff the Unsettlingly Big Guy gets?
