Saturday, August 27, 2022

Washington Post returns to form

It was fun while it lasted.  Twitchy: "‘Mean tweets are good now’! WaPo spotlights newly punchy & feisty White House Twitter account." 


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

  2. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Excellent commentary, Mr. Anonymous, on progressives' attitudes towards towards Trump while he was still on Twitter, while ignoring his 5 Middle East peace treaties, American energy independence, $2.80 gasoline, 2% inflation, a real southern border, need I go on?

  3. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Not to mention Supreme Court justices who can honestly state that a women is an adult human being with XX chromosomes, instead of playing dumb in fear of upsetting the Democrats' voting base.

    And having exactly $0.00 of American military equipment in the hands of the Taliban.

  4. Anonymous12:30 AM


  5. Anonymous11:27 AM

    If that's the best response you can come up with, then it looks like I've 'Trumped' you again, huh?


    BTW that Student Loan Forgiveness plan is flying across the country like the proverbial lead balloon, isn't it?

  6. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Oh, absolutely, so long as you ignore the polling on student loan forgiveness. And polling on Joe Biden's approval rating. And polling on the 2022 midterm.

    The long-awaited massive red wave election will put things right.


  7. Anonymous6:26 PM

    "The polling on student loan forgiveness?" In your dreams.

    Sorry to hear they don't have Google where you live.

    CBS/YouGov, Aug 24-26:
    Biden canceling some student loan debt for certain borrowers

    % Approve/Disapprove
    Total 54/46
    Dem 88/12, GOP 21/79, Ind 52/48
    Men 48/52, Women 59/41
    <30 75/25
    30-44 64/36

    45-64 47/53
    65+ 43/57

    Emerson, Aug 23-24:
    Topic: $10,000 loan forgiveness for those who earn under $125,000 per year

    This is:
    36% - Too much action
    35% - Just the right amount of action
    30% - Not enough action

    NewsNation, August 22-23:
    Would you say you support a proposal that forgave $100,000 of federal loan debt per borrower?

    64.13% Support
    35.87% Oppose

    Data for Progress, August 19-21:
    When thinking about what actions the federal government should take on student loan debt, which of the following is closest in your view, even of none of thee are exactly right?

    25% Eliminate all student debt
    35% Eliminate some student debt for every borrower

    34% Should not eliminate student debt

  8. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Well then, why stop with student loans? Why not have the Treasury Dept. just hand out $10 million to everybody? Then we'd all be rich!

    I know what I would do if I had $10 million:

    - First thing is I would quit my job.
    - Second thing is I would make a reservation at the most expensive restaurant in town for me & my girlfriend for tonight.
    - Third thing is I would stop worrying about unexpected medical expenses - cause all that cash could cover any possible hospital bill, right?

    Okay! Just called my boss and told her off good. That part's done.

    But it took over half an hour for the restaurant owner to finally pick up the phone and tell me that he's closing it down because all the cooks & waitstaff just quit their jobs. And it looks like the supermarket's closed, too. Uh oh.....

    I guess I'd better be extra careful crossing the street now because if I trip and break an ankle I have a nasty suspicion that there's not gonna be any nurses at the hospital to cast my broken ankle, either...

    So..... Did giving me $10 million make me filthy rich, or did it make me third-world poor?

    But not to worry - forgiving student loans is *only* just a start. Recent history shows us if we give in to these people they *never* ask for more and start us down that slippery slope. Amirite?

  9. Anonymous8:18 PM

    That's a lot of silly words to say "I reflexively assumed wrong."

    But MAGA conservatives have been getting a lot wrong.

    Earlier today, the Cook Report just downgraded its estimate of GOP midterm gains in the House. Again.

  10. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Is this the same Cook Report that had the chances of Hillary beating Trump at 94% the day before the 2016 election?

    Besides, Biden & Harris haven't even started campaigning yet, errr..., I mean candidates across the country haven't started making up excuses why they can't pose for pictures with either of them this fall.

  11. Anonymous4:31 PM

    The impending Republican red tsunami is gonna make "them" look dumb! That's a kind of election forecast.

    Besides, Biden & Harris haven't even started campaigning yet

    Biden rally last Thursday. Biden rally yesterday. Biden prime time speech tomorrow. Biden rallies in Wisconsin and in Pennsylvania this Monday.
    Please be sure to let us know when Biden starts campaigning.

  12. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Campaigning WITH other Democrats? I mean, besides Charlie Crist.

  13. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Joe Biden is such a toxic liability that the 2023 Republicans are going to wind up holding fewer Senate seats, fewer Governorships, and many fewer House seats than they assumed they would. (At least they'll probably still win the House.)

    This midterm election cycle couldn't have been set up any better for substantial Republican success. It was absolutely, historically bungle-proof.

    Somehow, though, you guys found a way. Thoughts and prayers.

  14. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Just breaking: Democrat Mary Peltola defeats Sarah Palin for the Alaska U.S. House seat.

    The seat had been held by Republicans for 49 consecutive years.

