Saturday, August 27, 2022

This explains so much

Hot Air: "Yellen and Jill Biden advised him not to cancel student loan debt, but Joe listened to someone else."
Joe Biden’s decision to cancel student loan debt was bone-headed at best, cynical at worst. To make a bad decision even worse – Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Jill Biden ( that’s Dr. Jill to you) advised the dazed and confused president not to do it. Instead of listening to a couple of people who might actually know a little something about the subject, Joe Biden decided to listen to Kamala Harris. That’s right. Biden acted on Kamala’s advice.
Haha, OMG.  Best and brightest, y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Ha ha, Hot Air hates President Biden so much that they were reduced to saying Janet Yellen and Jill Biden are smart.
