Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Something happened, like, 12 months ago

Hot Air: "NPR, NYT: A year ago, the Taliban took over Afghanistan all on its own, or something."

You'll never guess whose fingerprints are nowhere to be found in these articles:
It just collapsed all on its own, eh? Once again, as Ben pointed out, the name “Biden” appears nowhere in this anniversary analysis. Not once does the NYT or NPR assess Biden’s role in these results of the collapse, especially given his insistence one month before the collapse that the Taliban wouldn’t seize control.
Well, you probably did guess, given the sources.  Of course, if I point out this passive voice style of ass-covering journalism, it will inevitable lead to a "Republicans pounce" article.


  1. Anonymous1:30 PM

    What's also nowhere to be found is any perceptible political damage whatsoever to President Biden.

  2. 13 soldiers murdered. Thousands of Americans and green card holders left behind. Billions of dollars of military equipment left behind. No political damage, its all good. /s

  3. Anonymous6:08 PM

    The post is about the political damage of the Afghanistan pullout. Or more precisely, Hot Air whining about the lack thereof.

    Zero political damage to Biden, check.

    Our president did what the previous three presidents wouldn't, from the dunce who started the occupation, to the big talker who did nothing, to the treasonous scum who invited the Taliban to Camp David.
