Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Shut up, they explained

Red State: "New Survey Shows How Weak Minded College Kids Are Scared of Different Views."

I have to reminisce about my time in college when (big surprise) I was a conservative among many liberals at a state school.  For a time I wrote for the conservative newspaper on campus and I had a particular beef with one left-wing group.

At the time, I wanted to write an article addressing this group's main goals and invited their head guy for an interview.  He refused.  I said, okay, how about if I tell you the questions in advance to prepare?  No dice.  OK, then, no interview but I'll give you the questions and you can respond in print.  Nope.

At the time, I couldn't understand why somebody wouldn't want to explain his main beliefs to what (at the time) was one of the biggest papers on campus.  I don't wonder anymore.

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