Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Scranton Joe to America's working class: Drop dead

Hot Air: "Biden's indefensible bribe."
If not for the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, the policy he’s announcing today would be the lowest moment of his presidency.
No kidding.  Frankly, I never thought Brandon would do it.  Not only is student loan forgiveness transparently illegal, it is absolutely a middle finger aimed at America's working class.  I actually watched his announcement today and it was a greatest hits of his debunked statements, dutifully read off a teleprompter followed by a quick getaway.

This guy is never going to do a sitdown interview or a press conference again and his response to a yelled question about people who (responsibly) paid off their debts shows why.  He doesn't have an answer.  He'll never explain why a plumber should pay off the debts of a Harvard grad.

Get ready for months of campaign ads like this:


  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Brian Schatz:
    "Today I have learned that Republicans are deeply concerned with the fair distribution of federal resources hahhahaha."

    Here's the guy you still need to argue with.

  2. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Nate Silver:

    "The thing about student loan debt relief is that, while other policies would be more economically progressive, it fairly efficiently redistributes well-being toward people in the Democratic coalition.

    Youngish, middle-class-ish college/grad school attendees = a very D group."

  3. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Mr 10:21 PM:

    Well, since that posting had nothing to do with the distribution of federal resources (fairly or otherwise), it wasn't very convincing.

    Just like everything else you post. (smirk)

  4. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Altering federally-guaranteed student loans has nothing to do with the distribution of federal resources? Whatever you say, Greenspan.

    Twitter today is a hilarious eruption of prominent Republicans infuriated by the student debt cancellation, but who also had their PPP loans forgiven.

  5. Anonymous7:09 PM

    When I addressed you as Mr 10:21 PM I was, of course, referring directly to the particular comment you made at 10:21 PM, which pointed to this column in the Washington Examiner:

    "Trump preparing executive order to let Americans purchase health insurance across state lines."

    So the rest of my comment still stands: "Well, since that posting had nothing to do with the distribution of federal resources (fairly or otherwise), it wasn't very convincing."

    Just like everything else you post. (smirk)

  6. Anonymous7:32 PM

    And you know those prominent Republicans had their PPP loans forgiven... how?

    And how are PPP loans related to student debt cancellation? The PPP program was designed with specific guidelines for "debt forgiveness", the costs were budgeted for upfront, and they weren't forgiven in such an obvious ham-handed, vote-buying 10-weeks-before-the-midterm-elections-ploy.

    And if the Dems are *really* on the side of the average American working family - you know, union workers, people without graduate degrees in gender studies - they wouldn't be pissing them off this way. If you had bothered to read Eric's column, that was the very subject of it.

    But trolls like you just post insulting comments without noticing what Eric has to say, amirite?

  7. Mr. 12:2412:24 AM

    That's a lot of smirking and sniping on missing the point. Especially for someone who failed to spot the actual juxtaposition being put forth: what Eric wrote then, and what Eric writes now.

    That executive order was satisfying because Hillary lost; this one's an outrage because Biden won. The comparison still stands.

    Unlike the GOP's hopes of a red wave election. And the odds have gotten longer after $weet $weet forgivene$$.

  8. Mr. 12:2912:29 AM

    And you know those prominent Republicans had their PPP loans forgiven... how?

    Just a taste from the White House Twitter account:

    Marjorie Taylor Greene: "For our government just to say 'Ok, your debt is completely forgiven'... it’s completely unfair."

    White House Twitter account:
    "Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene had $183,504 in PPP loans forgiven."

  9. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Re: Having some Republicans having their PPP loans forgiven - so what?

    You haven't touched the main part of my issue with that posting:

    "And how are PPP loans related to student debt cancellation? The PPP program was designed with specific guidelines for "debt forgiveness", the costs were budgeted for upfront, and they weren't forgiven in such an obvious ham-handed, vote-buying 10-weeks-before-the-midterm-elections-ploy."

  10. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Re: That executive order was satisfying because Hillary lost; this one's an outrage because Biden won. The comparison still stands.

    Suffering from TDS, you are. Per my previous comment. "the student loans are being forgiven in an obvious, ham-handed, vote-buying 10-weeks-before-the-midterm-elections ploy." And Nancy Pelosi had already declared the the Prez has no legal authority to do so.

    THAT'S why it's an outrage.

  11. Mr. 12:1912:19 PM

    Abruptly valuing Nancy Pelosi's opinion is another example of Republican hypocrisy.

    As are the irate conservative PPP beneficiaries who are suddenly worried about windfalls and cost.

    And the "Ha ha Trump did it, boo hoo Biden did it."

    One can find deviations between any two things, and that most certainly includes student loans and PPP. But good old hypocrisy always smells the same.

  12. Anonymous1:35 PM

    There's deviations between a mountain and a molehill, too, but you'll twist your knickers into the Gordian knot to make them sound the same in a desperate effort to make your case here.

    If Trump is so bad, why do you-all have to tell so many lies about him? You must know, I'm sure, that Trump never called the Neo-Nazis at Charlottesville 'fine people', yet Biden, Harris & Pelosi have all repeated that lie multiple times, and all your low-information voters believe everything they say. THAT'S why you hate Trump.

  13. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Now that so many Civil War statues have been torn down, MAGA morons need another racist lost cause.

    Only Trump supporters — who as we know are America's highest-information voters — correctly heard the sophisticated, exculpatory context of what Trump said.

    Have fun convincing history of that.

    But maybe it'll be easy. After all, Donald Trump is "the least racist person there is anywhere in the world." And you can quote him on that.
