Thursday, August 04, 2022

Oh, you don't say, you don't say

Hot Air: "NY Times: Say, this influx of migrants to Washington, DC is quite taxing."

I'm sure I told this story before but a couple years ago I saw a concert at Tanglewood deep in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts.  Somebody had to make a comment about how "nobody is illegal" and "all are welcome" or something and I told my kids that not a single person in that audience would ever have to face the consequences of illegal immigration.


  1. Anonymous10:23 PM

    D.C. should start seizing the buses. That was one of the responses that stopped the Canadian truckers' failed hissyfit.

  2. Anonymous5:46 PM

    John Farrell:
    "The migrant bus trick is not original, and its precedent is appropriately shitty. A White Citizens Council sent poor blacks on one-way bus trips to Hyannis to embarrass JFK."

    How This Trick to Bus Black Americans Out of the South Backfired

    Greg Abbott is just making America great again... again!
