Monday, August 22, 2022

Hidin' Biden

Legal Insurrection: "Joe Biden: The MIA President" - "For instance, he’ll appear in public at the White House for a speech or to make an announcement, but rarely takes questions from the press. He’ll give a speech on the road, but many times will simply ignore reporters. On rare occasions when a yelled question from a reporter gets through to Biden, his handlers work to quash it immediately, hurrying Biden away from the throngs of questioners as though they present a threat to his very existence."

What I think is weird is that the Biden's daily schedule doesn't even show him receiving the President's Daily Briefing.  What's this guy doing all day? 


  1. Anonymous10:50 PM

    What's this guy doing all day?

    Raising his approval rating to 47%. Or so says Rasmussen.

    And not stealing classified nuclear documents, while offering 19 contradictory alibis.

  2. Anonymous, please list the '19 contradictory alibis'. Please explain why the DOJ/FBI waited 18 months to raid Mar-a-Lago for the "stolen" 'nuclear documents'.

  3. Anonymous10:43 AM

    “I accidentally took the documents. I was allowed to take the documents. I did not take the documents. After I took them, we returned all of the documents. Anyway, I would have given back the other documents if they'd asked. And they did ask, and we were fully cooperating. Nothing was packed until the last minute because we all assumed I was going to remain in the White House after the coup. My staff packed the boxes of documents, not me. You know, the ones that the FBI planted. Anyway, I secretly declassified them all 2 years ago. It was a standing order that I told no one about. Happened while I was president, or possibly after. Anyway, everyone brings their work home with them from time to time. I decided not to return the documents because I don’t trust the partisan National Archives. But the FBI should have reclaimed the documents earlier this year. Even though they were declassified. Much of the information can be found on the internet. And yet I needed to steal it and risk prosecution, instead of just Googling it. I was cooperating with the Department of Justice so fully, for so many months, that they had to raid my home. They broke my lock! The lock I belatedly had installed to prevent anyone from seeing perfectly fine, now-public domain documents. Which wasn't needed, because the papers were 100% secure. But the DoJ illegally refused to allow my lawyers to watch their search. Except my lawyers did watch the search. Or perhaps they were in the parking lot. Also, me and my family watched the entire search on the security cameras. A biased judge signed the illegal warrant. What matters is that I did nothing wrong, even though my administration increased the felony penalty for doing exactly what I did. Which is why my lawyer officially swore that I'd returned the documents that I still had. Nobody told me I couldn't take the documents. After the deputy White House counsel told me I could not take the documents, multiple White House staffers heard me tell him, “It's not theirs, it's mine.” And as always, Hillary Hillary Hillary. Also, Obama personally took 30 million pages. Unlike me, Obama hid his stolen loot in the National Archives. So he's the president who broke the law, not me. Anyway, every president does this so they can write their memoirs. They're just trying to destroy me because I'm beating them so badly in the polls. Just don't ask me to show you those polls.”

  4. Anonymous3:26 PM

    If getting absolutely crushed bores you, stop asking stupid questions.

  5. You didn't answer the 'stupid' question. Doesn't matter, anyone with an once of sense, knows this raid was a fishing expedition.

  6. Anonymous5:47 PM

    You didn't answer the 'stupid' question.

    Read again. I didn't merely answer you and your stupid question. I absolutely crushed you and your stupid question.

    Fun with typos: "An once of sense" describes the GOP before Trump.

    Back to stupidity. Only the Truth Social losers think the raid on what the feds knew to be at Mar-a-Lago was "a fishing expedition."

    Even if it had been, the FBI caught themselves a whale. The clownfish sure are bitin'!

  7. Why did it take 18 months to raid for these ever so important documents? Still haven't answered this 'stupid' question. Your insults don't answer the question.

  8. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Google can handle your stupid troll 'question' if you 'cared' about the 'answer,' which you do not.

    Trump's indictment by the DOJ: this year, or next?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Mr. 10:43:

    Trump never made any of those excuses. **

    And as President, he had the power to declassify anything he wants to, so if he says those papers aren't classified, then they aren't. Period. And if there truly were "nuclear secrets" among those papers, why did they wait so long to get them back? And if the DOJ doesn't want the affidavit unsealed, why are they selectively leaking portions of it to the media (only the portions that make Trump looks bad, of course). Kind of puts them in a bad light, doesn't it? And the White house immediately denied knowing anything about the raid, but now it turns out Biden himself approved it.

    And to top it all off, you do remember, I hope, that an FBI agent has already been convicted of fabricating evidence to convince a FISA court to illegally spy on Carter Page, a member of Trump's campaign team in 2016. (That was in addition to the Steele dossier.)

    ** If Trump is so bad, why do all you progressives have to tell so many lies about him? Like the infamous Charlottesville lie: He NEVER said that the Neo-Nazis were fine people. But Pelosi, Biden & Harris have all accused Trump of this multiple times, and all those low-information voters like you believe every word they say. Amirite?

  11. Anonymous5:26 PM

    And, of course, Hillary, Hillary, Hillary.

    You might laugh that off as a "Trump excuse", but if the fact that she skipped off scot-free by the DOJ after erasing 30,000 emails that had been subpoenaed by Congress doesn't bother you, then that tells me all I need to know about you. (And if you really believe HER excuse was that they were all about Chelsea's wedding and Yoga routines, then I know somebody who's got a bridge for sale).

  12. Mr. 12:1112:11 AM

    And as President, he had the power to declassify anything he wants to, so if he says those papers aren't classified, then they aren't. Period.

    A golden rule is that the first one to say "Period." has the losing argument.

    If Trump's stolen documents were declassified, why didn't he just make copies of them, and get the DOJ and FBI off his back?

    If the stolen documents are declassified, why did Trump install a lock to protect them? From whom? They're public record now, right?

    "But Hillary," "but an FBI agent," "but Biden," "but Charlottesville," "but Pelosi"...

    ...these make "Period." look like the Magna Carta.
