Thursday, July 14, 2022

This dumpster fire Administration can't do anything right

Wall Street Journal: "Baby-Formula Shortage Deepens, Defying Replenishment Efforts - Out-of-stock levels remain high in U.S. stores: ‘Until those shelves are full, the crisis continues’."

And there's this: "Bidenflation pushes producer-price index up 11.3% in June."  Yeesh.  Time to break out the excuses.


  1. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Lois Lerner
    Lois Lerner
    Lois Lerner
    Lois Lerner
    Lois Lerner

    Any thoughts about the random, untargeted IRS super-audits of both Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe?

  2. Anonymous8:37 PM

    The show trial continues:

    CNN: DC police officer in Trump Jan. 6 motorcade corroborates details of heated Secret Service exchange to committee

    The Secret Service agents who were reportedly going to deny Cassidy Hutchinson's account haven't gotten around to testifying under oath.
    Maybe they were too busy deleting their January 5 and January 6 texts?

    NPR: Secret Service erased Jan. 6 texts after officials requested them, watchdog says

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Expecting this government to act in the interest of those they refuse to represent is futile. Their bifurcated system of money and power does not allow them to share.
