Saturday, July 02, 2022

The show trial continues

Legal Insurrection: "Liz Cheney’s J6 Committee Show Trial Theatrics Are Further Exposed After ‘Concerning Messages’ Source Is Revealed" - “Cheney could have asked Hutchinson about [the messages] right then and there. But she instead chose to do the TV tease and leave everybody hanging.”


  1. Anonymous12:03 AM

    It's only a "show trial" because millions of people are watching the show.

    Los Angeles Times:
    Cassidy Hutchinson testimony set audience record for a daytime Jan. 6 hearing

    13.2 million viewers are a lot of kangaroos.

    When Kevin McCarthy has to lie that he didn't watch any of the hearing, and when conservatives are complaining about the way and pace in which it's been presented, and when treasonous Trump is screeching into the void on his dinky Truth Social? That's when you know the show's dramatic plot twists are hurting Republicans real bad.

    And we're nowhere close to the season finale.

  2. Those 13.2 million viewers must be those '81 million' Brandon voters.

  3. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Republicans have won the popular vote only 'once' in the last '8' presidential elections.

    During which time Democrats have received '36 million' more 'votes' than the GOP did.

    Despite this long trend, Newsmax, OAN and Fox News all falsely stated that voting machines made by Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic rigged the election.

    Because of that, Fox, OAN and Newsmax will soon be paying those two companies up to '10.2 billion' dollars in damages.

    'One' after 'one,' every legal effort by the 'three' networks to have their defamation suits dismissed has been shot down by so-called 'judges.'

  4. Yesterday's baseball game between the Brewers and Pirates, the Brewers had more hits than the Pirates (11 hits to 9). Yet, the Pirates won the game. Low IQ people don't think that's fair. Fortunately, our Founding Fathers were not low IQ people.

  5. Anonymous11:45 PM

    That explains it.

    Pirates and Brewers = You think the 2020 election was stolen because you're a drunk.
