Sunday, July 31, 2022

The irony of this tweet

Let's recall this Joe Biden boast the week he both plunged the country into recession and caught Covid twice.


  1. Anonymous4:16 PM

    "plunged the country into recession"

    Gee, you'd think with the economy in shambles because of Joe Biden, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate would be leading in Georgia... or Ohio... or Arizona... or Pennsylvania... or Nevada...or New Hampshire... or Wisconsin... but they're not.

    There's good news, though. You're still up by 0.9% in North Carolina.

    Not as nice as being ahead by more than 6% in NC just one month ago... but it's something!

  2. Did you hear what Epstein said? The economy didn't kill itself. LGB/FJB.

  3. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I can tell Tito is throbbing with excitement by the prospect of a forced metaphorical homosexual act being done to him and his party in Georgia... and Ohio... and Arizona... and Pennsylvania... and Nevada... and New Hampshire... and Wisconsin... and North Carolina too, if their rate of shrinkage persists.

    First-term midterm election. Inflation. Recession. Low Biden approval. And you still might blow it? (Mmmm... blow it.)

  4. Homo's and Trannies are the backbone of the party anonymous worships.

  5. Anonymous1:59 PM

    LGBTito hungers to catch the ol' backbone.

  6. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Ask Ayman al-Zawahiri if he thinks Joe Biden did nothing this past weekend.
