Thursday, July 28, 2022

The Biden Recession is here

And I, for one, am blown away at Joey's adult-in-charge responsibility-taking.

And, right on cue, the Mainstream Media signals they've received their marching orders: "AP and Bloomberg give a master class for the rest of the MSM on how to spin the Great Biden Recession."

Also: Afghanistan went as well as expected.

Here's the adult-in-chief bravely running away from any questions:

Extra - Red State: "A Petulant Joe Biden Makes a Cowardly Move in Presser Held After GDP News."  I may be wrong but I think the last sit-down interview Dementia Joe had was February with Lester Holt.  Not counting the Jimmy Kimmel train wreck. 


  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    This is one of those classic textbook recessions, where shrinking unemployment has meant American employers are struggling to find enough workers to fill the open jobs, and are forced to raise salaries.

  2. Bad Orange Man warned us. '81 million' didn't listen.

  3. Anonymous5:21 PM

    They're not listening now, either. Republicans have lost 90% of their lead in the generic Congressional ballot.

    As for The Great Brandon Recession:

    Unemployment, which was already historically low, has gone down further.

    Corporate output is up.

    Retail sales are up.

    The stock market went up bigly yesterday, immediately after hearing the news about two consecutive quarters of negative growth.

    Then the stock market went up again today.

    Classic signs of a punishing recession.

    Keep rooting against the country, though.
