Monday, July 25, 2022

"That's just, like, your opinion, man"

Federalist: "Recession? No Problem. Just Pretend It Doesn’t Exist."

I forget where I saw it today but somebody noted that this is the acid test for the failing mainstream media.  For decades, the definition of a recession has been two consecutive quarters of economic contraction.  Two quarters of negative growth.  It's numbers.  It's an either/or proposition.

It's likely this White House already knows that a recession is coming and the solution is to...redefine the definition of a recession.  The question now is whether the compliant, biased media will go along with this scheme or whether - for once - they'd exhibit a little integrity. 


  1. The media exhibit integrity.....Good one.

  2. Anonymous5:53 AM

    On Monday, the same day as this post, Minnesota recorded the lowest unemployment rate that any state has ever had, at 1.8%.

    Which of the failing mainstream media outlets is most likely to gloss over that data point?

    Minnesota is one of twenty states with an unemployment rate below 3.0%.

    Fifty states are under 5.0%. When Trump left office, three states were under 5.0%.
