Friday, July 01, 2022

Of course he did

You'd think the press would call him out on this lie, but nah.  Fox Business: "Biden repeats false claim that US has lower inflation than rest of world." 


  1. Anonymous1:12 PM


    "U.S. inflation doesn’t really stand out globally anymore. It is now just above the middle of the pack when we rank the highest to lowest using 111 countries covering the most up-to-date data available. It is 48th highest on this list.

    Note that in June last year the U.S. was ranked 28th highest out of 116 and the Eurozone 84th (now only two spots below the U.S.). Since then, YoY U.S. inflation has increased around three percentage points, but many other countries have seen it increase even more.

    For statistical interest, the median global inflation is now 7.9% YoY. It was 3.05% last June.

    Inflation is now truly a global phenomenon, with Asian economies generally the least effected. So the shock value from U.S. inflation data has lessened."

  2. Last year, the Brandon team touted the enormous July 4th cookout savings. This year, crickets. Strange.

  3. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Because inflation is higher all over the world, so last year's savings aren't there. You need to design harder puzzles.

    As for crickets, multiple Secret Service officials are corroborating Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony about Trump's physical eruption inside the car.

    Better luck next time defending Trump without looking foolish, Volume 8,472.

  4. Anonymous, due to the design of the beast, it would be impossible for Trump to do what the latest lair claimed. As for the Secret Service, the 2 Secret Service men in question, both claimed it never happened. Turn off MSNBC, you might learn something.

  5. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Alas, you're trailing the news cycle. Climb out of Trump's rectum, you might unlearn something. (Aw, who are we kidding? You never will.)
