Monday, July 11, 2022

Not a surprise at all

Twitchy: "Ohio’s attorney general said his office has heard ‘not a whisper’ about a pregnant 10-year-old from Ohio."

Either this doctor failed to report a crime or she made up the story out of whole cloth.  Spoiler alert: it was the latter.


  1. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost says there is "not a whisper" that a 10-year-old child was raped and impregnated, there has been no request for crime lab results, and that Ohio's heartbeat law would have allowed such a young girl to get an abortion in the state.

    No, Ohio's heartbeat law wouldn't have allowed it. This exact scenario was reported on three years ago, when the law passed and Roe was still intact.

    Why would the state AG lie to dispute a lie?

  2. Ohio's heartbeat bill has a medical emergency exception. ORC 2919.193(B).

    The doctor needs to make a notation in the medical records that a medical emergency existed and identify the medical condition. ORC 2919.193(C).

    A medical emergency includes not only a risk to life of the pregnant woman, but also any serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function. ORC 2919.16(F).

    The Ohio AG cited the medical emergency exception in the statute as being potentially applicable:

    Yost stated, “Speaking of hoaxes, though, can I correct something that everybody’s reporting wrong nationally? Ohio’s heartbeat law has a medical emergency exception, broader than just the life of the mother. She — this young girl, if she exists and if this horrible thing actually happened to her, it breaks my heart to think about it — she did not have to leave Ohio to find treatment.”

  3. Anonymous12:20 PM

    "Potentially" is the equivalent of "potentially not." A victim's age is not categorized as a medical emergency. No doctor or pharmacist would face charges for refusing to invoke a medical emergency exception.

    Other state abortion laws specifically address age. Ohio's does not.

    That omission was controversial even at the time of its passage, when the law was dormant. A number of news reports addressed it. The Ohio legislature was made aware of the omission before passing the bill. But Republicans chose to leave it out, along with exceptions for rape and incest.

    The Ohio legislature could de-"potential"-ize their law today by amending it. Perhaps they find it sufficient to say "it breaks their hearts" to think about it. So far, not enough broken hearts to do something about it.

  4. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Hey look. And the conservative press and social media had been having such a grand old time debunking the fake story.

    Arrest made in rape of Ohio girl that led to Indiana abortion drawing international attention

    Ohio AG Dave Yost has had quite a half-week, going from his skeptical Fox News appearance to issuing a one-sentence statement. Sure hope this doesn't hurt his 2022 reelection campaign.
