Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Look upon my barren wasteland

The Corner: "Whose Idea Was It to Have Biden Speak in This Spot?"
Who thought this was a good idea? Which White House staffer chose to have Biden discussing how much he cares about the environment from an empty lot that looks like it’s where the mob dumps bodies?
To be fair, there is so much turnover in this White House that the site was probably chosen by a college sophomore. 


  1. I hear Brandon has cancer. If he leaves us, I suggest he be buried at Brandon Falls.

  2. Anonymous10:35 PM

    When you allow your debating skills to atrophy

    There's only one political side that regularly calls for censorship of cable news stations they find disagreeable or the deletion of ideas they deem hurtful or dangerous to Mother Earth.

    In other words: shut up, they explained.

    “Sky News reporter, citing military source: UK Royal Air Force has halted flights in and out of its largest air base in the UK because the “runway has melted” in the hot weather.”

    “In Italy, the hot and dry conditions are expected to destroy a third of the seasonal harvest of rice, corn, and animal fodder—at a minimum.”

    Global heat anomaly maps from June 1976 and June 2022:

    Bart Simpson: “This is the hottest summer of my life.”
    Homer Simpson: “This is the coldest summer of the rest of your life!”

  3. Anonymous12:53 AM

    This should not go unremarked upon:
    To be fair, there is so much turnover in this White House that the site was probably chosen by a college sophomore.

    The goldfish amnesia/total projection complaints are just the best.

    Beyond the ludicrous amount of "Acting Secretaries" and "Acting Counsels" and "Acting Administrators" at the old Donald Trump Revolving Door and Bus Station —

    — none of whom Trump knew personally after they were gone, and all of whom were only trying to sell a book —

    — there's only this:

    Wikipedia: List of humorous units of measurement

    A Scaramucci is 11 (sometimes 10) days and is named after the length of White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci's tenure under President Trump.
