Friday, July 29, 2022

Death of the newsstand

It looks like days of selling ink on the city corner are coming to an end.  As noted in the article, digital media put the newsstand on the ropes and covid killed it:
“I used to stand in the cold selling the New York Times — that’s how I started,” he recalled. “We’d sell 60, 70 copies of the early edition, 200, 300 copies of the late, at a slow location. In the terminal, a thousand copies a day.” On a recent summer Tuesday, despite the crush of street traffic, tourists in the streets, people lazing in the park, he’d sold a total of six.
Maybe people just don't want a lousy product.


  1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Maybe people just don't want a lousy product.

    The New York Times has more than 10 million subscribers. Last year's NYT revenue was more than 2 billion dollars.

  2. Anonymous4:03 PM

    The New York Times' upswing just gets better and better:

    Law & Crime:
    Former Covington Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Loses Defamation Lawsuits Against CBS, ABC, NYT, and Others

    Sandmann’s cases against ABC News, Rolling Stone magazine, CBS News, newspaper and television station owner Gannett, and The New York Times are now officially listed as “terminated” on the court record.
    [District Judge William] Bertelsman noted that CNN “filed an early motion to dismiss which the Court granted” on July 26, 2019.

    “In that opinion, the Court held that none of the statements were actionable for various reasons: some were not ‘about’ Sandmann; some were statements of opinion; and/or some were not subject to a defamatory meaning,” Bertelsman recalled.

    In other words, the case more or less flatlined once before. Sandmann filed a motion to reconsider; the judge agreed to resuscitate the matter on “narrow” grounds.

    “Although lengthy, Sandmann’s deposition contains relatively little testimony pertinent to the issues at hand,” Bertelsman opined.

    In analyzing the remaining legal issues, Bertelsman said some of Sandmann’s legal arguments were “without merit.”

    “Sandmann’s insistence that the Court cannot now revisit this legal issue is ironic considering that he vigorously, and successfully, moved the Court to reconsider its initial ruling in The [Washington] Post case.”

  3. New York has more than 10 million bird cages. Who knew?

  4. Anonymous4:28 PM

    During the 14 seconds it took you to post that, the New York Times made another 1,020 dollars in profit.
