Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Your terms are acceptable

Timothy Carney has a good column called "Yes, liberals, please own the cons" which highlights how the Left continuously and willfully misrepresents the positions of the Right.  They get all their stereotypes from HuffPost comment boards:
Perhaps all of these commentators and operatives are really this ignorant. Perhaps they have never spoken to a pro-lifer about abortion and unwanted pregnancy, to a gun-rights activist about gun ownership, or to a school choice or religious-liberty champion about free exercise and school choice. The other possibility is that these public figures just enjoy stirring up hatred among their followers.

Neither explanation reflects well on any of them. And this, such as it is, is the inherent advantage that conservatives have in the culture wars. We are constantly exposed to the Left's views. They have been shoved down our throats for decades. We know and understand their arguments. Many on the Left are exposed only to caricatures of our views. They can't even conceive of the idea that there are other views.

We know our enemy better than they do.
This reminds me of a study performed where groups were asked to fill out a questionnaire based on their own beliefs and then how they thought somebody on the opposite side of the political spectrum would answer:
The results were clear and consistent. Moderates and conservatives were most accurate in their predictions, whether they were pretending to be liberals or conservatives. Liberals were the least accurate, especially those who described themselves as “very liberal.” 
Sounds like epistemic closure to me.

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