Monday, June 27, 2022

The Left hates free speech, a continuing series

Reason: "Supreme Court Says High School Coach's Postgame Prayers Are Protected Free Speech" - "A 6–3 majority sees it as noncoercive and not a violation of the Establishment Clause." 


  1. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Alito writes that the coach ceased to be acting as a coach during his prayer sessions, and then resumed being a coach immediately afterward: t'was just "a brief lull in his duties." And thus in leading group prayer at the public school's midfield, he was acting "in a purely private capacity."

    The Right hates basic reality, a continuing series.

    The court also overruled precedent without saying it was doing so. They didn't even attempt a stare decisis analysis.

    Seems some Justices have their own brief lulls at the workplace where they aren't acting as Supreme Court Justices.

  2. I see Dick's wants to pay for abortions.
