Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Misdeed must not prosper

The Corner: "Issue Dobbs Now."
That “political pressure” has now mutated into the attempted assassination of a Supreme Court Justice. If Chief Justice Roberts really wants to protect his Court, he will issue Dobbs immediately. Roe is extralegal nonsense, and it has turned the Supreme Court into something it is not. Overturn it — and do it straight away.
Abortion is one of those issues I'm agnostic on.  I'm less agnostic on the idea that opinions should bend to the "heckler's veto" or - more to the point - death threats.

It that's the way you want to play: get ready to play by the same rules you've established.


  1. Anonymous10:09 PM

    The "attempted assassination" was "thwarted" when the assassin called 911 and turned himself and his unloaded gun in.

    He's the sort of crazy person who no gun regulations could ever prevent, or so we're told.... except when the target isn't a headless 4th grader, but someone you actually care about.

    That's when Unpreventable Crazy Man rises to a "Oh, if THAT'S the way you want to play, it's ON now, libs" challenge.

    Regarding that, please pinch us when this wackjob is celebrated as a victimized hero by the Left the way you on the Right celebrate Kyle Rittenhouse.

    And explain why the Constitutional right to unlicensed open carry would suddenly be bad if it were outside Amy Coney Barrett's home.

  2. Intimidating Amy Coney Barrett, or any other judge, is a federal crime.

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    If open carry is intimidation, a few laws will have to be changed.

  4. Usual stupid comment.

  5. Anonymous4:07 PM

    We need to reduce the number of doors in the Supreme Court Building to one, hang colorful ballistic blankets on the windows, and arm all of the Justices. And prayers, of course.

    You know. Sensible gun measures.

  6. Anonymous5:14 PM

    So now restrictions on individual gun rights aren't tyranny? There's no absolute right? And the only Constitutional question is where to draw those lines?

    Sounds good!

  7. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Even more stupid comments.

    Doors and blankets and God and always, increasing the guns? You're right. They really are stupid comments.

    But shhh! Nobody tell Tito Anonymous WHOSE stupid comments they are!

    (Hint: You may have voted for some of them.)

  8. Anonymous, please take your meds.

  9. Anonymous8:10 PM

    This is a gun discussion, but you're firing blanks.
