Monday, June 20, 2022

BIden is just living in denial now

Excellent article from Jim Geraghty here:
Joe Biden is 79 years and seven months old. The presidency is one of the toughest jobs in the world. It is partially an issue of mental and verbal discipline, which were never Biden’s strengths to begin with. But now he’s overwhelmed by the problems of the job and coping through denial. Last week, he finally did another sit-down interview in which he contended to the Associated Press that “every other major industrial country in the world” has higher inflation, which is not even close to the case. Biden insisted that there is “zero evidence” that the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan passed in March 2021 contributed to inflation, and that it did not have even a “marginal, minor impact on inflation.” He said Americans should not believe warnings about a possible recession. With every available indicator pointing to a GOP tsunami in the midterm elections, Biden insisted that Democrats would not merely keep control of the House and Senate but would “pick up as many as four seats in the Senate.”
If you haven't seen it, the transcript of that interview with the Associated Press is just wild.  It's a farrago of self-puffery, outright lies, and pathetic denial.  Today he was asked about the pending recession and Biden once again lied about the consensus of economists until his daughter whisked him away, Easter Bunny-style.

He simply rejects your reality and replaces it with his own, the one where he's the hero.

Extra - Whoa, Joe!  Slow down with that busy schedule of yours. 


  1. Anonymous7:44 PM

    No mental or verbal discipline, overwhelmed and in denial, simply makes stuff up, all bad news is fake news, grandiose predictions, self-puffery, lies, simply rejects reality, "works" a light schedule.

    And thus, this sincere concern leads to the same alternative as always... Trump 2024!

  2. Brandon, the man with the Sidam touch.

  3. Anonymous9:11 PM

    And still you lost to that.

  4. Brandon, installed like a toilet.

  5. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Pride Month... Pete Buttplug... male toilets... there's a confessional theme here.
