Saturday, May 28, 2022

The libertarian viewpoint on Uvalde the same as everybody else's.  Reason: "While Dying Children Called 911 for Help, 19 Uvalde Police Waited in the Hallway. For 45 Minutes."
The public is still learning the truth of what actually happened on Tuesday. But based on what is currently known, it is hard to imagine a more appalling response from law enforcement. In fact, the word appalling doesn't even do this calamity justice. The police failed so completely, so utterly, so pathologically during those key 45 minutes—undoubtedly the longest 45 minutes of the fourth-graders' lives—that one wonders how such failure is even possible.
It's starting to feel like Uvalde is going to be a watershed moment for the way American citizens view the police force.  You're going to start to see more signs like this:


  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Police were in the school for an additional 15 minutes before they started maintaining their 45-minute-long strategic position outside the classroom.

    They bravely kept that hallway safe.

  2. Anonymous2:07 AM

    You're going to start to see more signs like this

    Gosh, what a relief that is. An entire city police force, including a SWAT team that had specifically practiced this exact scenario in this exact school, hid from an AK-15 rifle.

    Good to know that an armed teacher will handle these pesky assault weapon situations from here on in.

    That's common sense conservative safety.
