Thursday, May 26, 2022

One hour

Red State: "New Details of the Police Response to Uvalde Shooting Paint an Incredibly Disturbing Picture."

We should reserve judgement until all the details come out but the police spokesman sure was evasive in his press conference today.

Extra - From Instapundit


  1. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Fractured Fairy Tales: "The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."

  2. Who stopped the creep? A good guy with a gun.

  3. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Nothing says "ban assault rifles" like cops huddling outside, being scared of the shooter who has one.

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  5. Anonymous9:38 PM

    You, simp, are an irredeemable dupe. You love your made-up fairy tales more than real children.

  6. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Blue Blood.
