Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Liz on the warpath

Red State: "Elizabeth Warren Has Hysterical Breakdown Over Roe v. Wade Leak."
It’s hard to believe at this point, but there was a time when Sen. Elizabeth Warren wasn’t absolutely insane.
Liz resorts to these overwrought hysterics for the cameras, putting on the matinee show for the suckers.  But Liz has no plan.  She has nothing to offer except her quavering voice and cheap theatrics.

Believe me, I've seen this show before.


  1. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Congratulations for zeroing in on today's most galling offense on the political scene. What a keen eye.

  2. Speaking of zeroes, how ya doing?

  3. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Speaking of cheap political theatrics, I still don't think yesterday's remarks come anywhere near her tweak a while back on the 5th anniversary of the Ferguson riots, in which she expressed condolences to Michael Brown's family "on the anniversary of his BEING MURDERED BY A WHITE POLICE OFFICER..."

    Stir up a little racial divisiveness, much? I'll never forgive her for that.
