Sunday, May 22, 2022

It was a huge mistake

The Atlantic: "Kids Are Far, Far Behind in School."
Starting in the spring of 2020, school boards and superintendents across the country faced a dreadful choice: Keep classrooms open and risk more COVID-19 deaths, or close schools and sacrifice children’s learning. In the name of safety, many districts shut down for long periods. But researchers are now learning that the closures came at a stiff price—a large decline in children’s achievement overall and a historic widening in achievement gaps by race and economic status.

The achievement loss is far greater than most educators and parents seem to realize. The only question now is whether state and local governments will recognize the magnitude of the educational damage and make students whole.
We gave in to hysterics and the teachers unions over the scientists and the kids paid the price.  Now a million of them have disappeared off the public rolls, signalling a new relation with public education.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    19 elementary school kids disappeared off the public rolls on Tuesday, May 24.

    But, thank God, their uninvited visitor didn't bring Critical Race Theory into the school with him.
