Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Biden knows who's responsible for inflation: someone else

Remember when a President blaming others was "unbelievable" to Joe and "we deserve better from our commander in chief?"  Good times.  In a Wall Street Journal article allegedly written by Biden, he blames the Fed Chairman, Congress, Putin, and anybody but Joe Biden for runaway inflation.  CNN Business: "Joe Biden wants to show he's in charge of inflation ... while showing someone else is in charge."
President Joe Biden will meet with Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell Tuesday in a kind of performative politics that will almost certainly do nothing to help Americans better afford everyday items.

And, let's be honest, it'll probably do nothing for Biden's poll numbers, either, because Biden's desired outcomes from the the meeting are contradictory:
  • He wants to show Americans that he's taking action on inflation.
  • He wants to deflect responsibility and make clear that the other guy is in charge. 
That's the ego-driven motivation of Biden's latest gaslighting: he's setting up the excuses and pre-criminations for what is shaping up to be an epic repudiation in the midterms.  Because Joe Biden can't fail, he can only be failed by other people and circumstances beyond his control.


  1. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Who's gaslighting who? Unusually high inflation is hitting nearly all of the advanced economies in the world.

    Biden's raging senility must be going untreated because he's working 24 hours to sabotage so many countries at once.

    Failing U.S. presidents have been "repudiated" in 16 of the last 20 midterms. And yet, 8 out of 11 were instantly un-repudiated when they won reelection two years later. The three double losers: Ford, Carter, and Trump.

    Biden is going to make it 17 of the last 21 -- or as historians refer to the phenomenon, um, duh.

  2. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Joe Biden has to do performative bullcrap like staging an inflation meeting, or tapping the strategic reserves.

    That's because stupid Americans seriously think (or pretend to) that a President personally causes inflation and the high price of gas.

    Or the other side's Presidents, anyway.

  3. Anonymous, thanks for the laughs. You're a funny guy.

  4. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Facts are hilarious. You must piss yourself over 2+2=4.

  5. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Gene Sperling:
    New April OECD Report: Inflation in 38 Nation OECD Area at 9.2%: Core Inflation 6.3%.

    Stand by for Rosemary Woods-like-stretch by some to suggest that 38 nation 9.2% inflation average is due to increment of America Rescue Plan they thought was too large.

    Hyuk yuk, so funny... get it?

  6. Anonymous, how much does the DNC pay you to post all of your nonsense?

  7. Anonymous9:58 PM

    No salary. Sometimes they let me ride on the Jewish space laser.

    Facts stop being true when you wish them away, Tito? Interesting approach to life.

  8. Continuing to support a total failure; interesting approach to life.

  9. Anonymous11:33 PM

    In your factless mind, Joe Biden has singlehandedly destroyed the economy of 38 nations.

    You should be trembling in fear of his incredible power.

  10. Why would I tremble in fear of that frail corrupt incompetent half-wit?

  11. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Because Joe Biden personally causes global inflation with the snap of his finger.

    If that fearsome power didn't exist, then these conservative critiques would be self-serving bullshit. And that cannot be.
